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[Image: Self portrait by Birdhead]

Welcome to Birdhead World Again, Kyoto 2024

Kondaya Genbei


Set against the backdrop of Kyoto's unique locations, including quaint historic buildings and modern contemporary architecture, Kyotographie Kyoto International Photography Festival features carefully selected photographs from both domestic and international artists, enriching the entire cityscape. Chanel Nexus Hall has been participating in this photography festival since its inception in 2013, hosting Chanel Nexus Hall exhibitions annually.

In celebration of its 20th anniversary in 2024, Chanel Nexus Hall is launching new initiatives in collaboration with Kyotographie. While continuing its remarkable progress, the focus will shift towards exploring new expressions in Asia, which have had fewer opportunities for exposure until now. As the first step, Chanel has enlisted the global advisor of Chanel and director of UCCA Beijing, Philip Tinari, to curate an exhibition featuring Birdhead, an art unit formed in Shanghai by Song Tao and Ji Weiyu.

Birdhead gained widespread attention for chronicling the urban transformation of their hometown, Shanghai, during a period when China's economy and society were opening up to the world. Over their 20-year journey, they have continually challenged the boundaries of photographic technique and narrative to voice, celebrate, and critique the world around them. In recent years, they have returned to the theme of "source," particularly exploring the relationship between light and time, resonating with the theme of KYOTOGRAPHIE 2024. By experimenting with traditional photographic techniques and pushing their limits, they seek to pursue the delicate balance between expression and abstraction.

This exhibition, Birdhead's first in Kyoto, will be presented in two parts, taking advantage of the architectural features and historical background of Hondaya Genbei, a sash store with a 280-year history. In the Takein room, built during the Meiji and Taisho eras, they will exhibit a new work titled "Matrix," consisting of 124 images captured in Kyoto and Tokyo last year, alongside their iconic works. Additionally, six recent pieces from the "Bigger Photo" series, featuring meticulously crafted photo images directly screen-printed onto wood with special lacquer technology, will also be on display.

In the Kurokura, where modern architecture merges, they will present their whimsical concept of "Phototheism," a satirical notion celebrating the mystical power of photography as a quasi-religion. Within this space, collage images and installations will evoke primitive worship, anchored by their creed, "We Will Shoot You." Through this exhibition, Birdhead's unique world, which has left a mark not only in the realm of photography but also in contemporary art in China and beyond, will be introduced to audiences.


Apr 13 (Sat) 2024-May 12 (Sun) 2024 

Opening Hours Information

VenueKondaya Genbei
Location487 Eboshiya-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-8165
Access6 minute walk from exit 6 at Karasuma Oike Station on the Karasuma and Tozai subway lines.
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