Picasso The Vollard Suite 100

Pola Museum of Art
Until May 18


Pablo Picasso
In addition to his painting, Pablo Picasso vigorously devoted himself to making prints, using the technique to avidly delve into subjects such as the body, mythology, painters and their models, dialogues with great artists of the past, and themes such as love and violence. The Vollard Suite is a series of 100 prints that Picasso made in the 1930s, at a point when he had reached artistic maturity. The art dealer Ambroise Vollard (1866-1939) was a skilled publisher who produced over 50 print collections and picture books by painters such as Degas, Bonnard, Renoir, and Picasso. The Vollard Suite is an important collection of prints that was planned by Vollard.

There are numerous works by Picasso contained in the Pola Museum of Art Collection. Together, these pieces can be used to trace the artist’s career from his youth to his twilight years. Recently, the museum has acquired a complete set of the 100 works in the Vollard Suite, which considered to be Picasso’s crowning achievement in print art. This exhibition, presented over two periods, is the first public display of the series at the museum.

First Part: Sat., December 14, 2024 – Wed., February 26, 2025
Second Part: Fri., February 28, 2024 – Sun., May 18, 2025


Now in session

Dec 14 (Sat) 2024-May 18 (Sun) 2025 59 days left

Opening Hours Information

Closed on February 27.
FeeAdults ¥2200, University and High School Students ¥1700, Junior High School Students and Under free, Persons with Disability Certificates + 1 Companion ¥1100.
VenuePola Museum of Art
Location1285 Kozukayama Sengokuhara, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa 250-0631
AccessFrom Gora Station on the Hakone Tozan line, take the Free Shuttle Bus. From Gora Station on the Hakone Tozan line, take the Sightseeing Shuttle bus and get off at Pola Museum of Art.


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