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"I think you have to have this disease to understand it. It's someone else's problem anyway." Exhibition

Theater Neco


Yuki Iiyama
Since FY2020, NPO Theater Network Ehime has been conducting auditory hallucination workshops under a project commissioned by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, using auditory hallucination/hallucination cards made of drawings and words based on interviews of auditory hallucinations caused by mental illness. As an interim report of the project to date, this exhibition will showcase videos of the auditory hallucination workshops and original drawings of the "auditory hallucination cards".

In addition, a video work by artist Yuki Iiyama will be exhibited. Iiyama, together with her mentally disabled sister and other family members, created "Going to Look for Your Real Home" and "Going to Meet Kannon at the Sea," and "Hidden Names," an interview with a historical researcher studying the case histories (medical records) of the Oji Brain Hospital in Tokyo, which existed until before the war.

Schizophrenia, whose main symptom is hallucination, is a disease that affects less than one out of every 100 people in the world. Mental illness, like many other diseases, is an accident, like a car accident. Because mental illness and mental disability are invisible, they have been the subject of prejudice, such as "I don't know, I don't know = scary." Due to deep-rooted discrimination and prejudice, people face not only the difficulties inherent in mental illness, but also various difficulties in daily life, social life, and the future that many people take for granted. Some people unexpectedly lose their lives in the midst of such difficulties.

"I think you have to have this disease to understand it. It's someone else's problem anyway." These are the words of a person at a welfare support facility for the mentally disabled who participated in the hearing interviews about auditory hallucinations.

Theater Network Ehime has gradually opened a place where people with and without disabilities can face and talk about auditory hallucinations and empathize with each other's anxieties and struggles through repeated efforts to express auditory hallucinations. The purpose of this activity is to encounter the words of people with mental disabilities and to learn about auditory hallucinations to make them "not to be someone else's problem."

1. Gallery Talk (14:00~15:00 each time)
Facilitator: Shigemi Morimoto (Representative Director, NPO Theater Network Ehime)
Session 1: Saturday, July 15
Speakers: Shotaro Arimon (actor, director, playwright), Yuki Iiyama (artist), people involved in "My Auditory Hallucination
Session 2: Sunday, July 16
Guest: Keiko Sengoku (Associate Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Shikoku Gakuin University)
Speaker: People involved in "My Auditory Hallucinations
Session 3: Sunday, July 23
Speakers: Akiko Izumi (President of MIDORIYA Co., Ltd.), Chiari Tomiku (artist), and others involved with "My Auditory Hallucinations
Session 4: Saturday, July 29
Guest: Yoshinori Ito (Professor, Faculty of Integrated Psychology, University of Human Environments)
Speaker: People involved in "My Auditory Hallucination"

2. Symposium "What is a Society for Living Together? What can expression and art do?"
Date: Saturday, July 22, 13:00-16:00
Venue: Theater Neko
Admission: Free
Part 1: 13:00-13:45
Theme: “Introducing Outback Actor's School Activities"
Facilitator: Torao Osawa (Cultural Ecology Observation / President of NPO Art NPO Link)
Guest: Mamiko Nakamura (Principal, Outback Actors School)
Part 2: 14:00-16:00 
Theme: "What is a Society of Togetherness? ~What can expression and art do?
Facilitator: Masashi Todate (Cultural Policy/Arts Management)
Guests: Torao Osawa (Cultural Ecology Observation / President of NPO Art NPO Link), Kyou Tsuchiya (Artist), Mamiko Nakamura (Principal of Outback Actor's School), Mariko Mori (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Commissioner for Promotion of Arts and Cultural Planning for Persons with Disabilities)
*For details of the event and how to register, please visit the official website.


Jul 13 (Thu) 2023-Jul 30 (Sun) 2023 

Opening Hours Information

VenueTheater Neco
Location1-2-1 Midorimachi, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime 790-0806
AccessFrom Matsuyama Station on the JR Yosan line, take the Streetcar and get off at Okaido. The venue is 5 minute walk from there. From Matsuyama Station on the JR Yosan line, take the Streetcar and get off at Red Cross Hospital. The venue is 5 minute walk from there.
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