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MOT Annual 2022 My justice might be someone else’s pain

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo


Ari Okubo, Haruka Kudo, Kazuya Takagawa, Akira Rachi
The MOT Annual is a group exhibition that highlights diverse aspects of contemporary art and elicits inquiry and discussion. The 18th edition of the MOT Annual features four artists, OOKUBO Ari, KUDO Haruka, TAKAGAWA Kazuya, and RACHI Akira. With language and narrative as points of departure, these artists explore how we can give visible shape to people and things forgotten in our era and by our society, and how we can focus in sharper resolution on the complex, institutionalized environment that envelops our lives.

We live in a senseless world of pandemics and rampant unprovoked attacks, and it seems that basic definitions of right and wrong are increasingly blurred. How can we examine differences between people of varying backgrounds, and see the misunderstandings and paradoxes that arise from these differences as relevant to us? Is it possible to tolerate and forgive others with whom we share little or no understanding? Language is a means of sharing culture, but at the same time, cultural disparities can be sources of conflict. Meanwhile, that which cannot be described in words tends to be forgotten. This exhibition showcases artists’ endeavors to confront the challenges of storytelling and description, and to seek out alternative narratives.

Artists :OOKUBO Ari / KUDO Haruka / TAKAGAWA Kazuya / RACHI Akira
(Videos and installations include new works by each artist)


Jul 16 (Sat) 2022-Oct 16 (Sun) 2022 

Opening Hours Information

Open on a public holiday Monday but closed on the following day.
Closed during the New Year holidays.(12/28 - 1/1)
Open on July 18, September 19 and October 10.
Closed on July 19, September 20 and October 11.
FeeAdults ¥1300, University and Seniors 65 & Over ¥900, High School and Junior High School Students ¥500, Elementary School Students and Under free.

¥130 off /  Up to 2 people / Not valid with other offers or discounts.

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Paid subscriber only

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VenueMuseum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
Location4-1-1 Miyoshi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0022
Access9 minute walk from exit B2 at Kiyosumi-shirakawa Station on the Hanzomon line, 14 minute walk from exit 3 at Kiba Station on the Tozai line.
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