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Sawada Kyoichi: From Home to Battle Zone

Izu Photo Museum


Kyoichi Sawada
Sawada Kyoichi was born in the northern Japanese city of Aomori in 1936. He worked at the US military base in Misawa before heading to Indochina in 1965, when the war was ablaze. During the years when the Vietnam War steadily escalated, Sawada was on the front lines photographing events right up until he was shot to death in 1970 at the age of 34. In the five years he spent in the war zone, he produced numerous masterpieces and won international recognition. He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for a group of photographs that included “Flee to Safety,” which captured Vietnamese people driven from their homes, struggling desperately to survive. The image confronted the world with the cruel reality of the battle zone.
This exhibition presents roughly 300 images, including previously unreleased photographs and original wire photos Sawada sent back from the front. The photographs evoke both his homeland and the battle zones, crisscrossed by life and death. They allow us to examine the face of the Vietnam War that Sawada unflinchingly sought to convey. This is an opportunity to contemplate the “American War.”


Sep 9 (Sat) 2017-Dec 25 (Mon) 2017 

Opening Hours Information

Until 18:00 from April to Augast.
Until 16:30 from November to January.
Open on public holiday Wednesday but closed on the following day.
Closed during the New Year holidays and in between exhibitions.
Exhibition Hours: September and October: 10:00-17:00, November and December: 10:00-16:30.
FeeAdults ¥800, University and High School Students ¥400, Junior High School Students and Under free.
VenueIzu Photo Museum
Location347-1 Clematis no Oka, Sunto-gun, Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka 411-0931
AccessFrom the North exit of JR Mishima Station, take the free shuttle bus for 25 minutes.
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