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[Image: Jochen Lempert "Antelope" (2013) © Jochen Lempert. Courtesy BQ, Berlin and ProjecteSD, Barcelona]

Jochen Lempert “Fieldwork”

Izu Photo Museum


Jochen Lempert
Following more than a decade of biological research, the Hamburg-based photographer has produced a body of black-and-white photographs focusing on a variety of living things (such as animals, plants, insects, and human beings) and natural phenomena. Lempert’s works, printed from film by the artist himself and notable for their analogue quality, not only function as detailed records bolstered by scientific knowledge, but are suffused with a great affection for all forms of life.
Lempert has established a new type of expression in Germany, a recognized pioneer in photography. A humorous composition and unique installation style ensure that his works intertwine organically, conveying the joys of freely associating with the multilayered world and connections that constitute our planet.
This exhibition consists of over 100 works, including The Skins of Alca impennis (1990-2016), an important and ongoing project documenting extinct seabirds; Belladonna (2013), which offers us hints for connecting and coexisting with ecosystems; Symmetrie and Körperbau (1995-2016), focusing on the physical forms of various living organisms; and Physiognomische Versuche (2002), which compares a variety of facial features; as well as the artist’s latest works.

[Related Event]
Talk by Jochen Lempert
Lempert will discuss his works and answer questions from the audience.
Date: Oct. 29 (Sat) 14:15
Free with exhibition ticket for that day.
Please see the official website for details and information on more related events.


Oct 28 (Fri) 2016-Apr 2 (Sun) 2017 

Opening Hours Information

Until 18:00 from April to Augast.
Until 16:30 from November to January.
Open on public holiday Wednesday but closed on the following day.
Closed during the New Year holidays and in between exhibitions.
Closed for winter holidays from December 26th to January 6th.
FeeAdults ¥800, University and High School Students ¥400, Junior High School Students and Under free.
VenueIzu Photo Museum
Location347-1 Clematis no Oka, Sunto-gun, Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka 411-0931
AccessFrom the North exit of JR Mishima Station, take the free shuttle bus for 25 minutes.
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