[Image: 安曇野ちひろ美術館 外観]
Facilities |
Hours | 10:00-17:00 Until 16:00 during March. Closed on Wednesday Open on public holiday Wednesday but closed on the following day. Closed during the winter holidays. |
Fee | Adults ¥1200; University Students, Seniors 65 & Over ¥900; High School Students and Under, Under Age 19, Persons with Disability Certificates + 1 Companion free. |
Location | Location: 3358-24 Nishihara, Matsukawamura, Kitaazumino-gun, Nagano 399-8501 Phone:0261-62-0772 Fax:0261-62-0774 5 minutes by taxi from Shinano-Matsukawa Station on the JR Oito line. |