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Collection Exhibition: Mingling Materials

Toyama Glass Art Museum


Bohumil Eliáš, Chisa Kobayashim, Toshio Sugasawa, Toshichi Iwata, Etsuko Tashima, Yoshiaki Kojiro, Hidenori Tsumori, Midori Tsukada et al.
In 1994, Bohumil Eliáš predicted a shift in glass art, foreseeing artists incorporating diverse materials and techniques alongside glass. Today, this foresight is evident as glass artists seamlessly integrate multiple materials. The exhibition showcases this evolution, presenting a fusion of glass with various mediums and methods.


Jun 8 (Sat) 2024-Dec 1 (Sun) 2024 

Opening Hours Information

Closes at 20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.
Closed on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month and during the New Year holidays.
FeeAdults and University Students ¥200; High School Students and Under, Seniors 70 & Over residing in Toyama City, Persons with Disability Certificates + 1 Companion free.
VenueToyama Glass Art Museum
Location5-1 Nishi-cho, Toyama-shi, Toyama 930-0062
AccessFrom JR Toyama Station, take the Streetcar and get off at Grand Plaza Mae. The venue is 2 minute walk from there. From JR Toyama Station, take the Streetcar and get off at Nishicho. The venue is 1 minute walk from there.
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