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[Image: Christiane Löhr "Small Spirits" (2015) Photo: Kenji Takahashi © Christiane Löhr]

The Sense of Wonder: Into Another Garden

The Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum


Hiroshi Sugito, Yukiko Suto, Rosilene Luduvico, Christiane Löhr, Yoshihiro Suda, Rinko Kawauchi, Terri Weifenbach
*The Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum is temporarily closed from Apr 9 to May 20. The museum will be open from May 21.

In her 1965 posthumous work “Sense of Wonder,” marine biologist and “Silent Spring” author Rachel Carson wrote about growing up surrounded by nature and the importance of looking at the world with a feeling of awe and mystery. Artists living today also convey something crucial, looking through a lens of sensitive curiosity and visualizing through a variety of expressive methods what we overlook in everyday life. This exhibition of painting, sculpture, photography, and video art forms its own kind of garden, introducing works by seven artists of our era who offer hints for how to commune with nature and have meaningful encounters.


Mar 20 (Fri) 2020-Oct 31 (Sat) 2020 

Opening Hours Information

Until 17:00 from September to October.
Until 16:30 from November to January.
Open on public holiday Wednesday but closed on the following day.
Closed during the New Year holidays.
Open on April 29, May 6, August 12 (Wednesdays) and May 7 (Thursdays). Open 10:00-17:00 from April 6 to April 24.
FeeFrom April to October: Adults ¥1200, University and High School Students ¥800 / From November to March: Adults ¥1000, University and High School Students ¥500 / Junior High and Elementary School Students free.
VenueThe Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum
Location347-1 Clematis no Oka, Sunto-gun, Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka 411-0931
AccessFrom the North exit of JR Mishima Station, take the free shuttle bus for 25 minutes.
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