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100 Years Since the Great Kanto Earthquake - Crustal Movements and Damage on Maps

The Science Museum of Map and Survey
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Taisho Kanto Earthquake that occurred on September 1, 1923. The GSI will hold a special exhibition titled "100 Years Since the Great Kanto Earthquake" - Crustal Movements and Damage on Maps.

The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan's predecessor, the Land Surveying Department of the General Staff Headquarters, surveyed the damage immediately after the Great Kanto Earthquake and conducted level and triangulation surveys. The GSI still has the survey books and drawings that record the results of these surveys, and they have been handed down to the present day. Specifically, these include the "1923 Kanto Earthquake Vertical Change Summary Map," which shows how the elevation of each area changed, and the "Emergency Survey Map of the Earthquake Area," which surveys the damage. The results of tidal surveys were also recorded in numerical form, along with survey registers.

In this exhibition, many of these valuable materials will be on display. In addition, the GSI's efforts to cope with current disasters will also be introduced.


Jul 19 (Wed) 2023-Oct 1 (Sun) 2023 

Opening Hours Information

Open on a public holiday Monday but closed on the following day.
VenueThe Science Museum of Map and Survey
Location1 Kitasato, Tsukuba-Shi, Ibaraki 305-0811
AccessFrom Kenkyu-gakuen Station on the Tsukuba Express, take the Tsuku bus Yoshinuma Shuttle bus and get off at Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.
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