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Treasures of Tōdaiji’s Omizutori Ritual

Nara National Museum
Ends Today
This Feature Exhibition offers an introduction to the history and traditions of the Omizutori shuni’e ritual conducted every two years in the first two weeks of March at the Nigatsudō Hall at Tōdaiji, gathering related works of sculpture, painting, historical documents, decorative arts, and archaeological findings. It has been held at the Nara National Museum every year since 1997 to great acclaim. The Omizutori ritual encompasses practices and rites shaped over the course of its long history. These are imbued with characteristics of the cultural and religious contexts in which they developed, among them the syncretic faith in deities of the Buddhist pantheon and kami worship referred to as Shinbutsu Shūgō. Largely inaccessible to the public, many practices and elements of Omizutori are shrouded in mystery; we hope that visitors will be able to gain a deeper understanding of its rites and traditions through this exhibition.


Feb 8 (Sat) 2025-Mar 16 (Sun) 2025 

Opening Hours Information

Closed on February 10, 17 and 25.
FeeAdults ¥700; University Students ¥350; High School Students and Under, Seniors 70 & Over, Persons with Disability Certificates + 1 Companion free.
VenueNara National Museum
Location50 Noborioji-cho, Nara-shi, Nara 630-8213
Access15 minute walk from exit 2 at Kintetsu-Nara Station on the Kintetsu line; From the East exit of Nara Station on the JR Kansai Main line, take the Nara Kotsu bus and get off at Himurojinja-Kokuritsuhakubutsukan.
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