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The Spirit of Avant-Garde Photography: Transforming "Nothing Much" - Shuzo Takiguchi, Nobuya Abe, Kiyoji Otsuji, Shigeo Gocho

Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design


Shuzo Takiguchi, Nobuya Abe, Kiyoji Otsuji, Shigeo Gocho et al.
In the history of photography in Japan, Avant-Garde Photography emerged in the 1930s under the influence of surrealism and abstractionism, and the Avant-Garde Photography Society was formed in 1938. Shuzo Takiguchi, a leading figure in the Society, emphasized the importance of documentation—the essence of photography- and warned against the trend of the time toward craftsmanship, arguing that surrealism was about "finding the beauty behind the deep folds of everyday reality." Nobuya Abe, who started the Society with Takiguchi, shared the same view and published photographs of objects and landscapes. Inspired by both of them, Kiyoji Otsuji worked on a series called "Nothing-much Photographs." Otsuji's pupil Shigeo Gocho drew attention as one of the leading representatives of "Contemporary Photography" who captured everyday life without elaborate technique or exaggeration.

This exhibition presents aspects of Takiguchi's thoughts, which flowed continuously from avant-garde photography in the 1930s all the way to the 1980s, focusing on the works and materials of the four artists, with the additional works by related artists such as Jean-Eugène Atget and Man Ray.


Jun 3 (Sat) 2023-Jul 17 (Mon) 2023 

Opening Hours Information

Open on public holiday Wednesday but closed on the following day.
Open on public holidays but closed on the following day.
Closed during the New Year holidays.
FeeAdults ¥900; University Students ¥450; High School Students and Under, Persons with Disability Certificates + 1 Companion free.
VenueToyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design
Location3-20 Kibamachi, Toyama-shi, Toyama 930-0806
Access15 minute walk from the North exit of Toyama Station on the JR Takayama Main line or Ainokaze Toyama Railway; From the North exit of Toyama Station on the JR Takayama Main line or Ainokaze Toyama Railway, take the bus and get off at Toyama-ken Bijutsukan-mae.
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