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The Magic North: Art from Norway, Sweden and Finland

Sagawa Art Museum
This exhibition focuses on three Nordic countries—Norway, Sweden, and Finland—highlighting the mystical aspects of nature and folklore that are essential when discussing the art of these nations. Under the theme "Magic North," this is the first attempt to comprehensively showcase Nordic paintings in Japan. With the cooperation of the national art museums of these three countries, the exhibition features around 70 carefully selected works from their valuable collections. Through the works of national artists from the 19th to early 20th centuries, including Edvard Munch from Norway and Akseli Gallen-Kallela from Finland, visitors will have the opportunity to discover the hidden charms of the Nordic region.


Nov 2 (Sat) 2024-Dec 8 (Sun) 2024 

Opening Hours Information

Open on October 14 and November 4.
Closed on October 15 and November 5.
FeeAdults ¥1300; University and High School Students ¥900; Junior High School Students and Under, Persons with Disability Certificates + 1 Companion free.
VenueSagawa Art Museum
Location2891 Kitagawa, Mizuho-cho, Moriyama-shi, Shiga 524-0102
AccessFrom Katata Station on the JR Kosei line, take the Kojaku Kotsu bus and get off at Sagawa Bijutsukan. From Moriyama Station on the JR Biwako line, take the Omi Tetsudo bus for 35 minutes and get off at Sagawa Bijutsukan.
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