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New Landskap Shooshie Sulaiman

Onomichi City Museum of Art


Shooshie Sulaiman
The arrival of migratory birds renews the landscape, and the migratory birds themselves will one day become part of the landscape here.

Why this abandoned house? Why Onomichi? What will happen in the future with this project? As has been the case in the past, there will be a chain of events that are difficult to capture in a plan. In retrospect, each event was already present as a "sign" (petanda in Malay). It was as if the artist's presence was opening a gateway to something that had already been forgotten or lost.

“New Landskap” is an exhibition of Malaysian artist Shooshie Sulaiman's creative activities over the past 10 years in Onomichi. The title “landskap" means "landscape" in Malay, but the artist's imagination extends to the cultural substratum, and “Landskap" encompasses not only the visual elements but also the coming history of the place, as well as the invisible energy latent in the place.

This exhibition will be an excellent opportunity to see the depth and breadth of a project that began with an encounter between an artist and a single, ordinary abandoned building, in both the space of the Onomichi City Museum of Art and the reclaimed abandoned building at the same time.


Sep 16 (Sat) 2023-Nov 12 (Sun) 2023 

Opening Hours Information

Open on September 18 and October 9.
FeeAdults ¥800; University and High School Students ¥550; Junior High School Students and Under, Seniors 70 & Over free.
VenueOnomichi City Museum of Art
Location17-19 Nishitodo-cho, Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima 722-0032
AccessFrom the South exit of Onomichi Station on the JR Sanyo Main line, take the Onomichi bus towards East (bus stop #1) and get off at Nagaeguchi. Then take the Senkoji Ropeway from Sanroku Station and get off at Senkoji Park. The venue is 4 minute walk from there. 7 minutes by taxi from JR Onomichi Station.
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