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Ken Kuroi - 50-Year Artistic Journey

Niitsu Art Museum


Ken Kuroi
A solo exhibition will be held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of picture book artist Ken Kuroi (1947-), who was born in Niigata City.

After graduating from Niigata University with a degree in education, Kuroi worked as a picture book editor at a Tokyo publishing company before becoming an independent illustrator. He has illustrated more than 300 children's books and picture books, including the "Korowan" series by Hisako Madokoro. He has also published picture books such as "Mississippi" and "To the Clouds," for which he wrote the text and the illustrations. In 2007, to support the recovery from the Chuetsu Earthquake, Kuroi published "To My Home Town," illustrated by Kuroi with an essay by Tomoko Hoshino, a native of Nagaoka City.

In addition to these masterpieces, this exhibition will present approximately 230 original drawings from Ken Kuroi's early works and new picture books including "Makuro" (written by Takuma Takasaki), a much-talked-about work that delves into children's creativity.

1. Slide Show by the Curator in Charge of the Exhibition
The curator in charge of the exhibition will introduce the highlights of the exhibition in an easy-to-understand manner.
Date: November 19 (Saturday) and December 4 (Sunday), from 14:00 (about 30 minutes each time)
Venue: Niitsu Museum of Art

2. Easy Picture Book-Making Workshop
Date: Saturday, December 17, from 13:30 (about 2 hours)
Lecturer: Niitsu Museum of Art curator
Venue: Niitsu Museum of Art Civic Gallery
Fee: 300 yen (materials fee)
Ages: 3rd graders and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (one book per child and adult). 4th graders and above: One book per person.
Capacity: 10 people
Please visit the official website for more information on the event and how to register.


Oct 29 (Sat) 2022-Dec 25 (Sun) 2022 

Opening Hours Information

Open on November 21 and December 19.
FeeAdults ¥1000; University and High School Students ¥800; Junior High School Students and Under, Persons with Disability Certificates free.
VenueNiitsu Art Museum
Location109-1 Gawagasawa, Akiha-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata 956-0846
AccessFrom Niitsu Station on the JR Shinetsu Main, Ban'etsu West and Uetsu lines, take the Akihaku bus towards Niitsu Station and get off at Niitsu Bijutsukan Iriguchi.
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