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Kasuga Wakamiya Onmatsuri : Art and Devotion

Nara National Museum
The Kasuga Wakamiya On-Matsuri is an annual festival during which offerings representing various performing arts traditions are presented to the Wakamiya deity at the o-tabisho, a sacred venue constructed to serve as the deity’s temporary abode for the festival’s duration. For twenty-four hours, the deity is feted with music and dance. On-Matsuri is especially renowned for the furyūgyōretsu, the elegant procession of the ritual’s participants conveying the deity to its temporary abode, along with the varieties of sacred dance and music that it encompasses like dengaku (field music), bugaku (elegant court dance), and sarugaku (the precursor of noh drama). The Heian-period origins of On-Matsuri are evidenced by records tracing back to Hōen 2 (1136). Its traditions have been protected and carried on through the generations, and this year marks its 889th observance.

Each year, the Nara National Museum hosts a Feature Exhibition introducing the On-Matsuri festival, its history, rituals, and the arts associated with the Kasuga faith. Along with the exquisitely crafted sacred treasures, this year’s exhibition also features the results of recent restorations of cultural properties. Through numerous artworks related to the Kasuga faith, we are eager to present glimpses into the beautiful and sacred world of On-Matsuri, which includes the entire Yamato region.


Dec 7 (Sat) 2024-Jan 13 (Mon) 2025 

Opening Hours Information

Closed from December 28 to January 1.
Open on January 13.
FeeAdults ¥700; University Students ¥350; High School Students and Under, Seniors 70 & Over, Persons with Disability Certificates + 1 Companion free.
VenueNara National Museum
Location50 Noborioji-cho, Nara-shi, Nara 630-8213
Access15 minute walk from exit 2 at Kintetsu-Nara Station on the Kintetsu line; From the East exit of Nara Station on the JR Kansai Main line, take the Nara Kotsu bus and get off at Himurojinja-Kokuritsuhakubutsukan.
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