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Culture Associated with the Noto-Hatakeyama Clan

Ishikawa Nanao Art Museum
The Noto-Hatakeyama is a distinguished feudal lord belonging to a branch of the renowned Hatakeyama clan who served in key positions within the Ashikaga Shogunate during the Muromachi period. Throughout their reigns, the successive lords not only demonstrated exceptional political skills to stabilize their domain but also displayed remarkable talents in literature and the arts. This exhibition focuses on the culture established by the Noto-Hatakeyama clan and their contemporaries, in alignment with the Ishikawa Hyakumangoku Cultural Festival 2023 scheduled for this autumn. The exhibition will primarily showcase works and materials related to the Noto-Hatakeyama clan from various locations in the Noto region.


Sep 23 (Sat) 2023-Oct 29 (Sun) 2023 

Opening Hours Information

Open on October 9.
Closed on October 10.
FeeAdults ¥500, University Students ¥350, High School Students and Under free.
VenueIshikawa Nanao Art Museum
Location1-1 Komaruyamadai, Nanao-shi, Ishikawa 926-0855
Access20 minute walk from Nanao Station on the JR Nanao or Noto Railway Nanao line; From JR Nanao Station, take the Marine bus and get off at Nanao Bijutsukan-mae.
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