Aquirax Uno

Gunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi
Until Apr 6


Aquirax Uno
Aquirax Uno (b. 1934) is a leading Japanese illustrator and graphic designer. Covering his entire career from the early years to the latest works, this is the largest exhibition of his works to be held so far. Various rare original pictures and other materials from his corporate advertisements of the 1950s to posters for underground plays, picture books, and children’s books of the 1960s, and paintings treating recent haiku and girls as their theme are introduced. Come and see the ornate and aesthetic world of creativity Uno devises.


Now in session

Jan 25 (Sat) 2025-Apr 6 (Sun) 2025 24 days left

Opening Hours Information

Open on February 24.
Closed on February 25.
FeeAdults ¥830; University and High School Students ¥410; Junior High School Students and Under, Persons with Disability Certificates + 1 Companion free.
VenueGunma Museum of Art, Tatebayashi
Location2003 Hinata-cho, Tatebayashi-shi, Gunma 374-0076
Access20 minute walk from Tatara Station on the Tobu Isezaki line, 10 minutes by taxi from Tatara Station.
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