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A Romantic Shaft of Light—Nagami Tokutaro and Modern Nagasaki

Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum
This exhibition will offer a comprehensive view of Tokutaro Nagami's varied artistic endeavors, encompassing Nagami's paintings, photography, and the art collection Nagami curated, particularly emphasizing Namban art and the artists Nagami collaborated with. It will illuminate a facet of the contemporary Nagasaki art scene, offering a window into the artistic world of Nagasaki during that era.


Oct 14 (Sat) 2023-Jan 8 (Mon) 2024 

Opening Hours Information

Until 18:00 on January 2 and 3.
Closed on October 23, November 6, 13, 27, December 11, 25, December 29 to January 1.
FeeAdults ¥1200; University Students, Seniors 70 & Over ¥1000; High School Students and Under free.
VenueNagasaki Prefectural Art Museum
Location2-1 Dejimamachi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki 850-0862
Access5 minute walk from Medical Center Station on the Nagasaki Electric Tramway Oura Branch line, 17 minute walk from Nagasaki Station on the JR Nagasaki Main line.
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