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30 Years of Notojima Glass Art Museum - Collection History

Notojima Glass Art Museum
The museum was established in 1991 by the former Notojima Town as a base for disseminating information on glass art, which was expected to become a new field of crafts in Ishikawa Prefecture, where traditional crafts are flourishing. At the time of its opening, the museum's collection included Chinese Qing dynasty glass and Italian glasswork designed by 20th-century masters (entrusted by Ishikawa Prefecture), and subsequent collection activities have enriched the collection with contemporary glasswork.

This exhibition introduces the best pieces from the museum's collection and shows the history of the collection's formation over the past 30 years.


Sep 30 (Sat) 2023-Nov 26 (Sun) 2023 

Opening Hours Information

Closed on the 3rd Tuesday of each months.
Open on public holiday Tuesday but closed on the following day.
FeeAdults ¥500, University Students ¥350, High School Students and Under free.
VenueNotojima Glass Art Museum
Location125-10 Notojima Kodamachi, Nanao-shi, Ishikawa 926-0211
AccessFrom Wakuraonsen Station on the JR Nanao line, take the bus towards Notojima Rinaki-koen and get off at Bijutsukan-mae.
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