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Rethinking Bernard Buffet: Half A Century of Masterpieces

Bernard Buffet Museum


Bernard Buffet
Bernard Buffet made his debut as a painter at the age of 20, becoming famous for his portraits that characteristically use straight black lines and subdued hues to embody the social anxiety and void following the war. In order to prepare for solo exhibitions he held each year and expand his language of expression, in 1952 Buffet began setting himself themes to paint by, such as “passion” and “circus.” By following the various themes that Buffet painted it is possible to trace his struggle as a painter and the evolution of his much praised “Buffet style.” This exhibition will introduce the “Japan” series and the other materials that formed the basis of his 1981 exhibition, while also exploring the close relationship between Japan and Buffet. More than 100 key works from the museum collection that span half a century will be presented.

[Related Events]
Gallery Tours
Event Dates: Every Fourth Sunday during the exhibition period.
Event Time: 11:15- (Duration: approx. 30 mins.)
No booking required.
*Event in Japanese.
*See official website for further details.


Mar 18 (Sat) 2017-Apr 9 (Tue) 2019 

Opening Hours Information

10:00-17:00(March to October)
10:00-16:30(November to February)
Wednesday, Thursday
Open on a public holiday but closed on the following Friday.
FeeAdults ¥1500, University and High School Students ¥750, Junior High School Students and Under free.
VenueBernard Buffet Museum
Location515-57 Clematis no Oka, Higashino, Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka 411-0931
AccessFrom the South exit of JR Mishima Station, take the bus and get off at “Buffet bijutsukan mae” (Buffet Museum). The venue is 7 minute walk from there.
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