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Leiko Ikemura “Pioon”

The Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum


Leiko Ikemura
Leiko Ikemura offers up a sense of transformation imbued in the depths and surfaces of her sculptural work, showcased at Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum for the first time in 8 years. Here the lines of the countless drawings she made in the late 1980s, seemingly in the search for a chart of life, appear to undergo metamorphosis along with the terracotta works she produced at the same time, with heads springing two long ears in a “rabbit” form. The wild freedom which pervades these works seems to deign permission for their leap to the outside world, and here they gather in a collection of sculptures dating from the 1990s onwards and including the 3.4m high “Usagi Kannon”.

[Related Event]
Opening Talk Leiko Ikemura x Yoshitomo Nara
Date: 4/20(Sun) 14:00-15:30
Reservation required

[Image: Leiko Ikemura “Baby Hare” (2002) photo: Philipp von Matt]


Apr 20 (Sun) 2014-Oct 14 (Tue) 2014 

Opening Hours Information

Until 17:00 from September to October.
Until 16:30 from November to January.
Open on public holiday Wednesday but closed on the following day.
Closed during the New Year holidays.
FeeFrom April to October: Adults ¥1200, University and High School Students ¥800 / From November to March: Adults ¥1000, University and High School Students ¥500 / Junior High and Elementary School Students free.
VenueThe Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum
Location347-1 Clematis no Oka, Sunto-gun, Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka 411-0931
AccessFrom the North exit of JR Mishima Station, take the free shuttle bus for 25 minutes.
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