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Ai Sasaki “Four Songs”

Bernard Buffet Museum


Ai Sasaki
The 21st Century Art Project has been established as part of the celebrations of 40 years of the Bernard Buffet Museum and aims to provide a new bridge towards painters working in our contemporary age. The first artist to be introduced as part of this project is Ai Sasaki, in her fist solo exhibition in an art museum space. Her paintings of birds dancing the skies offer up dream like images and fragments of nostalgic landscapes, directly grasping upon the vivid life which stems from nature, enwrapping the onlooker with simultaneous strength and softness. Setting out upon a world tour in 2005 she has depicted numerous landscapes, tales and mythologies upon the flat plane of the canvas and in recent years has come to collaborate with a poet in the “Walking” project as well as devise intricate wall paintings of sugar, softly opening up into new fields. This exhibition presents the work of Sasaki divided into 4 songs of material and technique.

[Related Events]
Ai Sasaki x Keijiro Suga(poet)
Date: June 22(Sun) 14:00-15:30
Venue: Clematis Academy Forum
Admission free, reservation not required

Workshop “Sugar Painting”
Date: May 24(Sat), 25(Sun) 13:30-17:00
Venue: Bernard Buffet Museum
Suitable for Elementary School-Junior High School Students
Capacity: 20 participants
Instructor: Ai Sasaki
Admission: ¥1000 (museum entrance ticket required for high school students and above) Reservation required.
Please refer to the official website for further details.

[Image: Ai Sasaki “Returning Forest” 2013, royal icing on panel]


Apr 12 (Sat) 2014-Jul 8 (Tue) 2014 

Opening Hours Information

10:00-17:00(March to October)
10:00-16:30(November to February)
Wednesday, Thursday
Open on a public holiday but closed on the following Friday.
FeeAdults ¥1500, University and High School Students ¥750, Junior High School Students and Under free.
VenueBernard Buffet Museum
Location515-57 Clematis no Oka, Higashino, Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka 411-0931
AccessFrom the South exit of JR Mishima Station, take the bus and get off at “Buffet bijutsukan mae” (Buffet Museum). The venue is 7 minute walk from there.
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