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“Flowers of Edo - The Rimpa School”

MOA Museum of Art


Kourin Ogata, Kenzan Ogata, Soutatsu Tawaraya, Hoichi Sakai et al.
Unlike the Kano and Tosa schools, the Rimpa school did not center upon a family lineage but instead was brought together by a particular sensibility of style. First sprouting in the early Edo period under Koetsu Honami and Sotatsu Tawaraya, it came to strength under Korin and Kenzan Ogata and enjoyed revival through Hoitsu Sakai, a devotee of Korin Ogata, 100 years later. The aesthetics drawing on literature and nature came to dominate not only painting but also gain popular use in the ceramics, lacquer ware and kimono of the Edo aristocracy. This exhibition shines light upon the blooms of Edo’s decorative arts which still continue to flower today.

[Image: Hoichi Sakai “Wisteria, Lotus, Maple” 19th Century]


Apr 11 (Fri) 2014-May 7 (Wed) 2014 

Opening Hours Information

(Last Admission 16:00)
Open on public holiday Thursday but closed on the following day.
Closed in between exhibitions.
FeeAdults ¥1760; University and High School Students ¥1100; Seniors 65 & Over ¥1540; Junior High School Students and Under, Persons with Disability Certificates + 2 Companion free
VenueMOA Museum of Art
Location26-2 Momoyama-cho, Atami-shi, Shizuoka 413-8511
Access5 minutes by taxi from JR Atami Station; From JR Atami Station, take the Izu Tokai bus towards MOA Museum of Art and get off at MOA Museum of Art.
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