The show brings together six students from each of the six universities – Tokyo National University of Fine Arts & Music, Tama Art University, Musashino Art University, Yokohama College of Art & Design, Tokyo Zokei University, and Tokyo Polytechnic University – for a museum-like show at Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse.
Visitors on the opening night might have been surprised by the high level of organization, finding a perfect exhibition space filled with highly polished works, and may feel a bit uneasy being greeted by artists dressed as though attending a job interview. A more casual approach might have been a bit more welcoming.
What was lacking on the opening night were Tokyo’s gallery and museum representatives scouting for new talent. Did the students forget about inviting those potential patrons or did the heads of the galleries and museums in Tokyo collectively not respond to the event?
Aneta Glinkowska
Aneta Glinkowska