Posted:Nov 2, 2008

The Opening of Will Rogan and Yuki Okumura “Everyday”

Misako & Rosen Gallery, which opened only six months ago, is currently holding an exhibition of two young artists.

Titled 'Everyday', the exhibition showcases the work of Will Rogan and Yuki Okimura
Titled 'Everyday', the exhibition showcases the work of Will Rogan and Yuki Okimura
Photo: KF

Will Rogan
Will Rogan
Photo: KF

Photo: KF

Yuki Okumura, who used to write reviews for TABlog
Yuki Okumura, who used to write reviews for TABlog
Photo: KF

Photo: KF

Kosuke Fujitaka

Kosuke Fujitaka

Born in 1978 in Osaka. Graduated with BA in Economics from The University of Tokyo. He tackled with excel and power point in Sony Ericsson R&amp;D cost controlling and Marketing for 3 years. In 2004 He launched Tokyo Art Beat with Paul and Olivier. In 2008 He moved back to NY, where a decade ago he had come across many important life elements, and has just launched NY Art Beat. He is also a co-founder of <a href="">101 TOKYO</a>, a young and international art fair in Tokyo happening in every April. He thinks that "art" leveraged by IT, wines and beers can make the world a better place. <a href="">Personal page as NY art guide</a> (only in Japanese)