Posted:Jan 17, 2023

Maintenance and Incident on 1-Jan-2023

We are sorry to inform you that there was a problem with the Android application provided by Tokyo Art Beat, in which the screen turned white and did not work when viewing the event page.

We are currently distributing an improved version of the Android app from Google Play. If you are using an older version, please update to the latest version.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

(Information updated at 14:48, 2023/01/18)


When launching the Android application and trying to view any event page, the screen remains white.

Target platform

Android application only

  • The same problem does not occur in the web app (website) and iOS app

Occurrence period

From July 2022 to January 18, 2023

  • The start date is only the “period including the problematic code” and not the start date of the problem.

Scope of Impact

Users of Android apps with version 3.4.1 or later


  • A part of the source code for both iOS and Android in the event screen contained a description that caused an error only on the Android side.

  • Android app version that contained the description: 3.4.1 or later (Release date of version 3.4.1: July 7, 2022)


The description that caused the error was corrected and the latest version was released to the Google Play Store (Store release date: January 18, 2023).

TAB Product Development Team

Tokyo Art Beat開発チーム

TAB Product Development Team

Tokyo Art Beat開発チーム

Tokyo Art BeatのWeb及びアプリを開発しています。 アップデート情報等を綴っています。