Posted:Apr 6, 2010

Roppongi Art Night 2010

The annual public art event brought out crowds to watch and interact with bright and cheerful attractions.

The main attraction at Roppongi Hills Arena: 'Mother Night', from Tsubaki Noboru's 'Before Flower', an alien eye that displayed the carbon emissions of the people watching.
The main attraction at Roppongi Hills Arena: 'Mother Night', from Tsubaki Noboru's 'Before Flower', an alien eye that displayed the carbon emissions of the people watching.
Photo: William Andrews

Kewpie dolls, looming next to Tsubaki Noboru's giant eye.
Kewpie dolls, looming next to Tsubaki Noboru's giant eye.
Photo: William Andrews

Photo: William Andrews

In front of the National Art Center, more elements from 'Before Flower' by Tsubaki Noboru.
In front of the National Art Center, more elements from 'Before Flower' by Tsubaki Noboru.
Photo: William Andrews

Some of the sponsors of 'Roppongi Art Night' were beverages companies. Coincidentally there was also an 'art lounge' event at a plaza in Roppongi Hills.
Some of the sponsors of 'Roppongi Art Night' were beverages companies. Coincidentally there was also an 'art lounge' event at a plaza in Roppongi Hills.
Photo: William Andrews

Jeong Hwa Choi, 'Lotus' at the Mori Garden.
Jeong Hwa Choi, 'Lotus' at the Mori Garden.
Photo: William Andrews
Hakusai sculpture, part of 'Happy Happy Project' by Jeong Hwa Choi.
Hakusai sculpture, part of 'Happy Happy Project' by Jeong Hwa Choi.
Photo: William Andrews

Keeping watch on the streets, a policeman statue at the Aoyama Book Center. Part of 'Happy Happy Project' by Jeong Hwa Choi.
Keeping watch on the streets, a policeman statue at the Aoyama Book Center. Part of 'Happy Happy Project' by Jeong Hwa Choi.
Photo: William Andrews

On the lawn near Roppongi Hills, these colourful discs were put together as sculptures by visitors participating in Jeong Hwa Choi's 'Happy Together' workshop.
On the lawn near Roppongi Hills, these colourful discs were put together as sculptures by visitors participating in Jeong Hwa Choi's 'Happy Together' workshop.
Photo: William Andrews

'Smile Cake, Happy Cake' created photo opportunities in front of giant sweets at Midtown.
'Smile Cake, Happy Cake' created photo opportunities in front of giant sweets at Midtown.
Photo: William Andrews

Floating green eyes near 21_21 Design Sight.
Floating green eyes near 21_21 Design Sight.
Photo: William Andrews

The French street performers Compagnie des Quidams re-created their 'Reve d'Herbert' several times during the night.
The French street performers Compagnie des Quidams re-created their 'Reve d'Herbert' several times during the night.
Photo: William Andrews

Photo: William Andrews

Photo: William Andrews

TABlog also published a photo report on last year’s Roppongi Art Night.

William Andrews

William Andrews

William Andrews came to Japan in 2004. He first lived in Osaka, where he was a translator for Kansai Art Beat. Arriving in Tokyo in 2008, he now works as an writer, editor and translator. He writes a blog about Japanese radicalism and counterculture and one about Tokyo contemporary theatre. He is the author of Dissenting Japan: A History of Japanese Radicalism and Counterculture, from 1945 to Fukushima.